How to embed your flipbook directly onto your website
Embed your real, page-fIipping publication directly onto your website with a short piece of code.
Follow the steps below to embed your flipbook directly into your website:
Choose your preferred size, background color and whether you would like the embedded flipbook to have a flipping sound, shadow on pages and/or a hardcover page effect.
Flip sound: This can be selected if you want a flip sound effect every time a page is turned.
Shadow on pages: A shadow in the middle makes the publication look just like a book; however, if you don’t want this option simply uncheck the box.
Hardcover: Do you want the front/back pages to look like hardcovers? This option can be selected here.
*Notice: We recommend using the “script” embed coding; however, some websites don’t allow script insertion. In this case, you can use the iFrame code to embed your flipbook into your website.
You’re done!
We have embedded a flipbook onto this page, to show you how it will look: